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Cenforce 150 mg

Category: Sildenafil Citrate
(5 reviews)

300 tablet/s + 100 PILLS FREE $250 $0.83
150 tablet/s + 70 PILLS FREE $147 $0.98
120 tablet/s + 50 PILLS FREE $122 $1.02
90 tablet/s + 30 PILLS FRE $96 $1.07
  • Inspected By Pharmacist
  • Refill Pack available
  • All Payments Available


What is Cenforce 150 mg?

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Cenforce 150 mg is at present an awesome and most recommended drug for Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Yet, what are the highlights that have demonstrated effectiveness for Cenforce 150 mg? How can it be that the best option for ED specialists is this pill? Later in the article, we will examine Cenforce 150 mg exhaustively.

Till now great many men across nations and mainlands have profited from the ordinary and occasional utilization of this pill. If you search online for pills to treat ED inside a tick you would many pills and their image name. Relax if you find Cenforce 150 mg in that rundown as it very well may be entrusted with a visually impaired eye.


The medication Cenforce 150 mg is made and sold by Centurion Laboratories, a drug producer in the territory of Gujarat starting around 2006.

In the making India, the pharm capital Centurion Laboratories has a critical portion of the commitment.

What is the use of Cenforce 150 mg?

The essential and furthermore optional utilization of Cenforce 150 mg is to assist individuals with disposing of Erectile Dysfunction from its underlying foundations.

Erectile Dysfunction is a problem that has spread a lot quicker when contrasted with disease or STDs. This has brought about an enormous interest in this pill and other such medications.

How does Cenforce 150 mg work?

Erectile Dysfunction is the essential issue of the blood flow in our body. During sexual excitement, the penis gets a huge inventory of blood which makes it erect. On the off chance that because of any explanation penis gets a deficient measure of blood, the erection is additionally diminished.

Disturbance of the bloodstream towards the penis might occur because of n number of reasons. It very well may be smoking, drinking, illicit drug use, wounds, or symptoms of the medication.

To take care of this issue Sildenafil Citrate, which is the principal part of Cenforce 150 mg loosens up the muscles in the penile locale. The veins of the penis are extended to store an enormous amount of blood. Generally, a circumstance is made where it is guaranteed that blood will track down no impediment while heading to the penis.

Presently another issue is to keep up with that erection for a long span. For this Sildenafil Citrate confines the degree of PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) in the body. Sildenafil Citrate makes the penis non-erect after sex. Thus, individuals who use Cenforce 150 mg face delayed erection.

How to take Cenforce 150 mg?

  • The methodology of Taking Cenforce 150 mg is very basic and simple however a few estimates should be followed.
  • Take 1 pill with a glass of water and swallow it.
  • Makes a point not to bite or break the pills into pieces.
  • The fluid with which you devour the medication ought to just be ordinary water. The utilization of different refreshments like liquor, organic product juices might trigger obscure responses.
  • Take the pill around 30 minutes prior to preparing for sexual cooperation. This is a typical uncertainty in the brains of men that the pill isn’t working.
  • They don’t comprehend that pills require some investment to absorb and trigger the erection of the penis. Or more this pill and different pills work just when the body is stirred.
  • These pills help in the erection of the penis however they are not disposition energizers. The commencement of the sexual drive should come from your side.

Other Dosage

  • Cenforce 25mg
  • Cenforce 50mg
  • Cenforce 100mg
  • Cenforce 120mg
  • Cenforce 130mg
  • Cenforce 200mg
  • Cenforce D

Which drugs associate with Cenforce 150 mg?

  • Calciferol
  • Ascorbic corrosive
  • Fluoxetine
  • Paracetamol
  • Nitro-glycerin
  • Sulfates
  • Vardenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Cabergoline

Cenforce 150 mg side effects


  • Tipsiness
  • Deadness
  • Loss of vision
  • Loss of hearing capacity
  • Loss of sensation
  • Nervousness
  • Asthma triggers
  • Hypertension
  • Muscle torment
  • Chest torment
  • Bothering
  • Aggravation in the urinary lot
  • Blockage
  • Agony while peeing
  • Non-ending erection

Warning and Precautions

  • Prior to utilizing the medication ensure you are not susceptible to the essential part of the medication. On account of this pill, one shouldn’t be susceptible to Sildenafil Citrate.
  • Devour pills that are bought from approved stores or lawful locales. On the net, there are plenty of phony destinations selling pills for the sake of marked ones.
  • Ensure you are not under the medicine of different pills as the two of them might respond prompting genuine incidental effects.
  • Somebody who is a heart patient or has gone through a medical procedure as of late should go to extraordinary lengths.
  • Prior to modifying the strength and measurements take appropriate meetings with the master.
  • Matured individuals over the age of 45 years ought to know that at advanced age the tissues and muscle cramps become normal.


  • Cenforce 150 mg is a basic medication that can be effectively be put away at typical room temperatures.
  • 15oC to 40oc is the most appropriate temperature for capacity.
  • The pills have synthetic substances that are naturally attractive consequently the medication ought to be avoided in direct daylight.
  • The room or the stockroom where the medication is kept ought to be spotless, dull, and dry (less dampness).
  • While disposing of or discarding the medication absolute attention to detail ought to be taken. Appropriately cover the pills in coverings so creatures or youngsters don’t come in touch.


Does Sildenafil Citrate work on females?

No, on females Sildenafil Citrate doesn’t influence, all things being equal, it can cause the aftereffects like blockage, stomach-related issues, and hypertension.

Is Cenforce 150 mg ok for the utilization of ladies?

No most certainly not. At the point when the issue doesn’t exist in ladies then it can just do is to bring about issues.

Ladies are experiencing hypersensitivities in the pubic regions in the wake of utilizing this pill.

What number of mg of Sildenafil Citrate would it be advisable for me to take?

1 pill is sufficient for the afternoon. In the event that the specialist proposes any change if it’s not too much trouble, follow likewise.

Is long-haul use of Viagra hurtful?

Not if the specialist has recommended you to do as such.

Does Cenforce 150 mg work?

Indeed, it works incredibly on the off chance that you burn through the medication by following the medicines of the specialist. In any case, assume you are adversely affected by Sildenafil and afterward additionally you take the medication. You will undoubtedly confront secondary effects that make you view that the medication is broken.

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5-15 Days


Prof. Karuna Moladiya

Reviewd by

Dr. Jagtesh Aris

Reviews (5)

Customer questions & answers


The convenience and effectiveness of Cenforce 150 mg have made it my top choice for managing ED. I highly recommend it.

13 March 2024


Cenforce 150 mg has restored my confidence in the bedroom. It's like a miracle pill that never disappoints.

13 March 2024


Cenforce 150 mg has restored my confidence in the bedroom. It's like a miracle pill that never disappoints.

13 March 2024


I've tried other doses, but Cenforce 150 mg is the perfect balance of effectiveness and minimal side effects for me

13 March 2024


Cenforce 150 mg has been a complete game-changer for me. It's potent, reliable, and provides long-lasting results.

13 March 2024

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